In this project, our team tackled the challenge of creating a multimodal eLearning course using Articulate Rise 360. We embraced the advantages of the online environment and shifted to a more interactive approach. I optimized the course's design and delivery for a dynamic learning experience by applying instructional design theories

Click on each drop down menu to read how I applied these theories. 

Multimedia Learning Theory

This theory played a central role, leveraging multiple modalities to enhance learning. I combined visuals, audio, and text cohesively for a captivating experience, accommodating diverse learning styles and providing an immersive experience.

Cognitive Load Theory

This theory guided my approach in managing information effectively. I selected text, images, and interactive elements to minimize overload, enabling learners to process information without feeling overwhelmed.

I maintained a professional and captivating visual design with accessibility standards in mind, using alt text, AAA standard color contrast, and closed captions. 

Click play to watch a demo video.

HEPH 1.1_ALTdemo.mp4